Insanity Seeker

A Loucura o leva à verdade, assim como a Verdade o leva à Loucura.

A coisa mais misericordiosa do mundo, creio eu, é a incapacidade da mente humana em correlacionar todo o seu conteúdo.
Vivemos numa plácida ilha de ignorância em meio a negros mares de infinito, e não está escrito pela Providência que devemos viajar longe.
As ciências, cada uma progredindo em sua própria direção, têm até agora nos causado pouco dano; mas um dia a junção do conhecimento dissociado abrirá visões tão terríveis da realidade e de nossa apavorante situação nela, que provavelmente ficaremos loucos por causa dessa revelação ou fugiremos dessa luz mortal rumo à paz e à segurança de uma nova Idade das Trevas.
H.P. Lovecraft

The boss cheat

maio 12th, 2014 by Lordspy

After a hideous amount of time I finally got the time (and guts) to write here…
Work and studies (as well as non virtual social life) has kept me busy and this adventures has presented me with some real challenge bosses…
The Lecturer stage passed by, the PhD stage came over and some consulting special stages pops by from time to time…
Sometimes we have to tackle things on our own, having to retur to some bosses over and over again to learn our valuable lessons and luckily there are some help along the way…
Was I to discover the Udemy course on Unity3D Master Class for Game Development For Beginners earlier I would have had an easier time in some consulting projects… Learnt the hard way, just inscribed myself to check out and it surprised me as to how well the basic Idea was grasped by me (if only I had taken the course earlier, when I was beginning the studies of Unity 3D by my own!) and yet, it presented some really good tips for performance and mechanisms.
It will hack your brain in just 85 video lectures with some basic material to quickly develop your first game while teaching the fundamental aspects of the engine… And providing you directions toward more specialized subjects on the tool…
It may be the Konami code for beginning game programming, but yet, much is still left for the players skills…

Good luck
Good code
Good game

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